11 Jan 2019


Types of future

SIMPLE PRESENT    Timetable (Future)

Something that happens in the future, but has a schedule or timetable.
“The train leaves this afternoon at 5:00”
“Tomorrow the film is at 4:00”

Present continuous as future

Something planned in a near future.
I am flying to NY tomorrow at 8:00”
Signal words: meet, appointment...

Will future

·       Promises  “I will study more, mum”
·       Instant thoughts   “MMM, I will have tea, please”
·       First conditionals “If you study more, you will pass”
·       Offerings “I will  help you”
·       Predictions
Signal  words: Expressions: I am sure, I think, I hope….

Going to Future

·       Intentions, plans, without time nor date “I am going to sleep”
·       What you see is going to happen “That old man is skating. He is going to fall”