23 May 2017

Second Conditonal Exercises

Type II

1) If I  ____________________ ( come) home earlier, I  ____________________ ( prepare) dinner.

2) If we  ____________________ ( live) in Rome, Francesco  ____________________ ( visit) us.

3) If Tim and Tom  ____________________ ( be) older, they  ____________________ ( play) in our hockey team.

4) If he  ____________________ ( be) my friend, I  ____________________ ( invite) him to my birthday party.

5) If Susan  ____________________ ( study) harder, she  ____________________ ( be) better at school.

6) If they  ____________________ ( have) enough money, they  ____________________ ( buy) a new car.

7) If you  ____________________ ( do) a paper round, you  ____________________ ( earn) a little extra money.

8) If Michael  ____________________ ( get) more pocket money, he  ____________________ ( ask) Doris out for dinner.

9) If we  ____________________ ( hurry), we  ____________________ ( catch) the bus.

10) If it  ____________________ ( rain), Nina  ____________________ ( take) an umbrella with her.


1) If it  ____________________ ( rain), the children  ____________________ (not/ go) for a walk.

2) If she  ____________________ (not/ read) the novel, she  ____________________ (not/ pass) the literature test.

3) If I  ____________________ (not/ argue) with my father, he  ____________________ ( lend) me his motorbike.

4) If we  ____________________ ( take) the bus, we  ____________________ (not/ arrive) in time.

5) If Dick  ____________________ (not/ buy) the book, his friends  ____________________ ( be) angry with him.

6) If Tom  ____________________ (not/ tidy up) his room, Victoria  ____________________ (not/ help) him with the muffins.

7) If the boys  ____________________ (not/ play) football, the girls  ____________________ (not/ come) to the football pitch.

8) If you  ____________________ ( eat) too much junk food, you  ____________________ (not/ lose) weight.

9) If I  ____________________ (not/ make) breakfast tomorrow morning, my girlfriend  ____________________ (not/ love) me anymore.

10) If they  ____________________ (not/ hurry), they  ____________________ (not/ catch) the train.


1) If you  ____________________ ( help) your grandma, I  ____________________ ( do) the shopping.

2) Andrew  ____________________ ( water) the flowers if he  ____________________ ( stay) at home.

3) If she  ____________________ ( have) 5 pounds more, she  ____________________ ( buy) herself this T-shirt.

4) If they  ____________________ ( offer) me the job, I  ____________________ ( take) it.

5) You  ____________________ ( have) summer holidays from June till August if you  ____________________ ( live) in the USA.

6) We  ____________________ ( sell) the bike for 20 Euros if Ron  ____________________ ( repair) it.

7) If you  ____________________ ( use) a pencil, the drawing  ____________________ ( be) perfect.

8) The children  ____________________ ( be) happy if he  ____________________ ( teach) them English.

9) If Ireen  ____________________ ( visit) us, we  ____________________ ( go) out tonight.

10) They  ____________________ ( come) again if he  ____________________ ( plan) a second stay.

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